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Head: Ludovic Richert & Bertrand Vernay

Location: Illkirch-Graffenstaden, France

The QuESt imaging facility combines the microscopy resources of the Institut de Génétique et Biologie Moléculaire (IGBMC) and the Laboratoire de Bioimagerie et Pathologies (PIQ). The two laboratories are located on the Illkirch bio-campus, just 10 minutes’ walk from each other. QuESt has held the IBiSA label since 2014. QuEst offers a range of instruments for multi-scale imaging, from the molecule to the whole animal. The ICI (Imaging Center IGBMC) component located at the IGBMC specialises in imaging the dynamic processes of living organisms at the molecular, cellular and whole organism levels. Researchers can analyse, in an integrated manner, their study models at different resolutions, ranging from the finest cellular structures to the complex functioning of organs in vivo. The PIQ (Plateforme d’Imagerie Quantitative – Quantitative Imaging Platform), located in the Faculty of Pharmacy, has a specific focus on quantitative molecular microscopy methods. In addition to commercial instruments, the PIQ-QuESt develops its own state-of-the-art instruments.